Thursday, 6 February 2014

Tale of Malifaux Bloggers: Month 0

Like many other Malifaux players my attention has been captured by the idea that is the Tale of Malifaux Bloggers (ToMB).

The Tale of What?

The basic premise of ToMB is to start a new crew with a base value of $60 from the Wyrd online store and each month, for a period of 6 months, to add $25 for new models, blogging about our thoughts and progress each month. More on the rules can be found here at Dave’s Play it Like Beat Down or at the Wyrd Forum Tale of Malifaux Bloggers.

So first of all I needed to decide which crew was going to receive my attention; this was a difficult choice, as the crew will be receiving six months of intensive focus. I have to want to play this crew regularly, build and paint many models and blog every month about my experiences. For those of you who read my last post, you will know that my intention this year is to focus on Dreamer, Lynch, Lucius, Marcus, Kaeris and Collette. One of these then, but that is still a choice of six.

What to do?


Well, would you look at who just crept up on me?

The Dreamer has always been a master which interested me; in fact he was the master who I wanted to play first, but unfortunately so did every other member of my gaming group… so he took a back seat. That is, until now; apparently everyone else I play with seems to think he is not brilliant anymore? Can’t see it myself and I cannot wait to get him on the table. To be honest, I really like the artwork for the new plastic dreamer set but I am impatient; who doesn’t want two dreamer crews?

So what do I intend to start with? Well the starter box is a good idea. That’s $41. Then Daydreams, $15. So a total of $56. I can already see a few potential holes in my crew, in particular a lack of Alps for summoning, but that is something I can rectify with $29 in month 2! I will also have to avoid summoner Dreamer for a few months, until I get the models to represent my summons.

It looks like it is CHOMPY TIME!

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